
Product Image Item Name- Price
Foldable arm joint for 22mm tubes

This joint allows to fix and fold a 22mm tube.


Carbon boom 340mm

High quality OnyxStar carbon boom (340mm). Specifically designed for the following OnyxStar...


MK-Okto / Hexa Titanium-Rigger-1mm (355 mm)

This is a Titanium rigger as a spare part for the rigger from Hexa & Okto frame (this is the...


MK-Okto / Hexa Titanium-Rigger-1mm (460 mm)

This is a Titanium rigger as a replacement part for the rigger from the Hexa & Okto frame...


MK-Okto XL Alu-Rigger-1.5mm BLACK (460 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger as a spare part for the rigger from Okto XL frame. The...


MK-Okto XL Alu-Rigger-1.5mm RED (460 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger as a spare part for the rigger from Okto XL frame. The...


MK-Hexa XL Alu-Rigger RED (355 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger as a spare part for the rigger from Hexa XL frames.


MK-Hexa XL Alu-Rigger BLUE (355 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger as a spare part for the rigger from Hexa XL frames.


MK-Hexa /Okto2(small) /QuadroXL Alu-Rigger BLACK (290 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger for MikroKopter Hexa frames or as a spare part for the short...


MK-Hexa /Okto2(small) /QuadroXL Alu-Rigger RED (290 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger for MikroKopter Hexa frames or as a spare part for the short...


MK30 & MK-Okto Alu-Rigger (small) BLACK (175 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger for small MK30 frames, and for MikroKopter Okto frames (not...


MK30 & MK-Okto Alu-Rigger (small) RED (175 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger for small MK30 frames, and for MikroKopter Okto frames (not...


MK-Okto XL Alu-Rigger BLACK (460 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger as a spare part for the rigger from Okto XL frames. See also...


MK-Okto XL Alu-Rigger RED (460 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger as a spare part for the rigger from Okto XL frames.


MK-Okto XL Alu-Rigger BLUE (460 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger as a spare part for the rigger from Okto XL frames. See also...


 Temporarily out of stock 
MK30 Alu-Rigger BLACK (175 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger for small MK30 frames. The hole distance on the motor mount...


MK30 Alu-Rigger RED (175 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger for small MK30 frames. The hole distance on the motor mount...


MK40 Alu-Rigger BLACK (210 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger for small MK40 frames. The hole distance on the motor mount...


MK40 Alu-Rigger RED (210 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger for small MK40 frames. The hole distance on the motor mount...


MK50 Alu-Rigger BLACK (245 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger for small MK50 frames. The hole distance on the motor mount...


MK50 Alu-Rigger RED (245 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger for small MK50 frames. The hole distance on the motor mount...
