
Product Image Item Name- Price
Carbon boom 90mm

Square spare carbon boom of 90 mm.


MK30 & MK-Okto Alu-Rigger (small) BLACK (175 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger for small MK30 frames, and for MikroKopter Okto frames (not...


MK30 & MK-Okto Alu-Rigger (small) RED (175 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger for small MK30 frames, and for MikroKopter Okto frames (not...


MK30 Alu-Rigger BLACK (175 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger for small MK30 frames. The hole distance on the motor mount...


MK30 Alu-Rigger RED (175 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger for small MK30 frames. The hole distance on the motor mount...


MK40 Alu-Rigger BLACK (210 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger for small MK40 frames. The hole distance on the motor mount...


MK40 Alu-Rigger RED (210 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger for small MK40 frames. The hole distance on the motor mount...


MK50 Alu-Rigger BLACK (245 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger for small MK50 frames. The hole distance on the motor mount...


MK50 Alu-Rigger BLUE (245 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger for small MK50 frames. The hole distance on the motor mount...


MK50 Alu-Rigger RED (245 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger for small MK50 frames. The hole distance on the motor mount...


MK-Hexa /Okto2(small) /QuadroXL Alu-Rigger BLACK (290 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger for MikroKopter Hexa frames or as a spare part for the short...


MK-Hexa /Okto2(small) /QuadroXL Alu-Rigger RED (290 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger for MikroKopter Hexa frames or as a spare part for the short...


Texalium boom 330mm

330mm Aerotek Texalium boom.


Carbon boom 340mm

High quality OnyxStar carbon boom (340mm). Specifically designed for the following OnyxStar...


MK-Hexa XL Alu-Rigger BLUE (355 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger as a spare part for the rigger from Hexa XL frames.


MK-Hexa XL Alu-Rigger RED (355 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger as a spare part for the rigger from Hexa XL frames.


Texalium boom 380mm

380mm Aerotek Texalium boom.

27,95€ 12,95€

Save: 15,00€

MK-Okto2 Alu-Rigger (long) BLACK (385 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger as a spare part for the long rigger from Okto2 frames.


MK-Okto2 Alu-Rigger (long) RED (385 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger as a spare part for the long rigger from Okto2 frames.


Carbon boom 410mm

Droidworx SkyJib-series carbon fiber boom (410mm) with pre milled mounting holes for boom fixing...


Carbon boom 410mm

Droidworx XM-8 carbon fiber boom (410mm) with pre milled mounting holes for boom fixing and engine ...


MK-Okto XL Alu-Rigger BLACK (460 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger as a spare part for the rigger from Okto XL frames. See also...


MK-Okto XL Alu-Rigger BLUE (460 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger as a spare part for the rigger from Okto XL frames. See also...


 Temporarily out of stock 
MK-Okto XL Alu-Rigger RED (460 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger as a spare part for the rigger from Okto XL frames.


MK-Okto XL Alu-Rigger-1.5mm BLACK (460 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger as a spare part for the rigger from Okto XL frame. The...


MK-Okto XL Alu-Rigger-1.5mm RED (460 mm)

This is an anodized Aluminium rigger as a spare part for the rigger from Okto XL frame. The...


Carbon boom 500mm

Aero-Tek high quality carbon fiber boom (500mm).


Carbon boom 500mm

Droidworx Skijib-8 Lite (V2) carbon fiber boom (500mm) with pre milled mounting holes for boom...


Carbon boom 540mm

Droidworx Skyjib carbon fiber boom (540mm) with pre milled mounting holes for boom fixing and...
